
My 15th japanCRUSH article just came out, which means 15 weeks of posting on jC and 15 weeks of neglecting this poor sorry thing…


I’ve really, REALLY (!!) been neglecting this blog, possibly because all my time for intelligent (i.e. non-lol cat and Youtube video) internet-related stuff has been taken up japanCRUSH.

My 15th article was published this week, which means I’ve been contributing regularly for 15 weeks now… Translating has its challenges, but it’s been awesome, with a few of my articles getting more than 100 comments, and one getting almost 250 comments!!

Also, it’s AMAZING to see something you’ve written come up as the top hit on a Google search!

So, this is why I’m posting this quick little note up here.

I’ve recently been swamped with work, studying and “doing research” for the university dissertation I must write when I finish this internship. I realized there might be a few problems with my initial topic, so I tried pumping in a few of my interest at random into Google to see if I could find anything better (yes, very academic!) and the article I posted on micro-finance in the Tohoku came up as the third hit on Google.

Admittedly, micro-finance in Tohoku is a pretty narrow topic, but there are still loads of legit things on micro-finance out there and I was very surprised to see my sorry little post up on Google (especially since Google does not filter necessarily by relevance rather then by overall hits per page).

So… for anyone who read it, and happens to be also reading this now… a HUGEEEEEE thank you ❤

Maybe I’ll think of something.. soon… 😉

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